Sebagian orang merasa jijik pada cacing tanah. Jangan salah, ternyata dibalik tubuhnya yang licin itu, cacing tanah menyimpan banyak khasiat...


Madu adalah �obat dari Allah� dan para pakar pengobatan tradisional menemukan ampuhnya obat yang satu ini bila dikombinasi dengan kayumanis ...


Flu disebabkan oleh infeksi virus. Tidak ada obat pilek yang efektif untuk bayi adan anak. Lamanya flu bervariasi bisa 3 hari samapi 2 mingg...

10 cara Mencegah Flu dan Masuk Angin

Perubahan cuaca yang sulit diramalkan sering diikuti dengan �musim masuk angin� dan juga batuk pilek. Apa saja yang bisa kita dilakukan untu...

Jamu Untuk Sakit Jantung (Penyempitan Jantung)

Penyakit jantung bisa kok dirawat secara rutin dengan minum jamu yang dibuat sendiri Bahan: 1 buah Kulit pisang (semua jenis pisang, tapi ka...


Bahan: 1 buah apel manis Serbuk kayu manis 1 sendok makan Madu murni 1 sendok makan Caranya: Buah apel dicuci bersih, lalu dijus bersama bub...

Mendapatkan Kualitas Tidur yang Baik (Bisa Tidur Nyenyak)

Bahan: 1 buah pala Madu murni secukupnya Caranya: Buah pala diparut, lalu masukkan dalam air hangat, � gelas tambahkan madu 1 sendok nmakan....


Bahan: Temulawak 45 gr Gula aren secukupnya Caranya: Temulawak dicuci lalu dimemarkan, rebus dengan gula aren secukupnya, rebus dalam 3 gela...


Bahan: 1 ruas kunyit 1 buah jeruk purut 1 sendok madu murni Caranya: Kunyit diparut, peras dan saring dengan air matang jadi � gelas, campur...


Bahan: 1 genggam daun jeruk purut Caranya: Daun jeruk purut dicuci bersih, rebus dalam panci, setelah dingin gunakan untuk mandi, campurkan ...

Jamu Mengobati Typus

Bahan: 3 buah ketimun yang masih muda Caranya: Buah ketimun dicuci, lalu diparut, peras setelah itu lalu minum airnya. lakukan pengobatan in...

Mengobati Demam Berdarah

Bahan: Sediakan 1 genggam daun rambutan dan kulit rambutan Caranya: Daun dan kulit rambutan dicuci bersih, lalu direbus dalam 2 gelas air, d...

Ramuan Memanjangkan Penis

ga usah ke mak erot klo cuma pengen memanjangkan ukuran penis anda. cukup bikin sendiri dengan ramuan alami untuk keperkasaan laki-laki. Bah...

Ways to Fight Acne

Ways to Fight Acne It is a complex problem that is made more complicated by the varying severity of acne from person to person. The diversification of the acne...

Stopping Aging Before it Begins

Stopping Aging Before it Begins 20s and 30s are the New Face of Cosmetic Surgery With almost everyone intent on slowing the aging process, increasing numbers of young peopl...

How Young is Too Young to Use Anti-Aging Products?

How Young is Too Young to Use Anti-Aging Products? With the sales of anti-aging products continuing to climb, the skin care and anti-aging industries are churning out more creams, serums and ...

Anti Aging : Wrinkle Fillers: The Next Fountain of Youth?

Anti Aging : Wrinkle Fillers: The Next Fountain of Youth? There are many options on the market today for reducing those fine lines and wrinkles that seem to make their way to our faces by the time w...

Aging Gracefully with Oily Skin

Aging Gracefully with Oily Skin If you have ever searched the drugstore shelves for a skin care product that will diminish wrinkles while effectively battling potential acn...

Beauty and Skin Care for the Woman on the Go

Beauty and Skin Care for the Woman on the Go Being �Miss Busybody� is one thing, but that doesn�t mean you should neglect your skin care. Whether you�re the stay-at-home mom who has to ...

Summer Skin and Your Worst Enemies

Summer Skin and Your Worst Enemies Summer is vastly approaching and while we may love the warm weather, our skin will eventually pay the price. Sunburns and ticks are no stran...

How to Make Your Woman Feel Beautiful

How to Make Your Woman Feel Beautiful Perhaps those Valentine�s Day flowers and chocolate didn�t prove to your precious that you are indeed the man who thinks she is the most bea...

First Wine Therapy Skin Care Line Combining Cosmeceuticals and Organics to Unveil at Cosmoprof

Herbwalk Inc., the creator of OLAVIE Chardonnay Wine Therapy spa products and treatments, is unveiling its new face line, Le Vin at Cosmopro...

Elizabeth Arden Releases New Skin Care Cream

Written by OJ Fagbire A new skin care product, Intervene Pause and Effect Moisture Cream and SPF 15 Lotion, was introduced into the marke...

Janie Lawrence tests the latest weapons in the war on cellulite

Is your body free of cellulite and ready for the summer? No, nor is mine, although I've lost count of how many women's magazines hav...

The latest in home treatment: Lasers

The latest in home treatment: Lasers By Shari Roan/Los Angeles Times Laura Beard was flipping through a women's magazine when an advertisement caught her eye. It sounded sim...

Treatment for acne scars

by Sebastian Foss There are several forms of treatment for acne scars in current usage. Dermabrasion is a cosmetic medical procedure in whic...

Dry Skin and Eczema Treatment Laundry Tips

Did you know that your clothes could be causing or exacerbating your dry skin or eczema? Here are some laundry tips that could prevent itchi...

Keep your feet healthy and be a sole survivor

Keep your feet healthy and be a sole survivor YOU'VE bought those glamorous thonged flip-flops, funky sling-back wedges and vertiginous strappy sandals. You've even clipped and p...

Natural Skin Care Treatment in the Sun - To Block or Not to Block?

With summer now solidly underway we�re all using more sunblock. However, it has now been confirmed that absorption of the toxic chemicals in...

One in three do not protect their skin from the sun

One in three do not protect their skin from the sun More people than ever are worried about skin cancer yet one in three do not use sunscreen to protect their skin, a survey has revealed. More...

Skincare Ingredients � What Do they Mean?

Skincare Ingredients � What Do they Mean? You�re at the cosmetic counter at the mall, looking to invest in a few new products for your skin. You choose several products and compare t...

Let Your Skin Breathe

Let Your Skin Breathe Everyday we put our skin in harm�s way, whether we realize it or not. UV rays and environmental pollutants are common culprits when it comes...

How to Make Your Own Night Cream

How to Make Your Own Night Cream A good night cream can restore your skin�s elasticity, making it soft and smooth. A good night cream can renew skin as well as help keep ski...

Copper Peptides and Cosmetics

Copper Peptides and Cosmetics On the market since 1997, copper peptides are major players when it comes to the rejuvenation of skin. Nowadays, people scramble to find the...

Transitioning Your Skin From Winter to Spring

Transitioning Your Skin From Winter to Spring The sun is shining, the first spring flowers are beginning to push through the ground and your skin is telling you it�s time for a change in...